I started working on “Switched Seabed” when I was 21, which spanned from an idea I had when I was writing a college essay. In hindsight I can see why the school didn’t accept me but that’s okay, I suffered for 4 years somewhere else. I’ve been working on the story for a really long time, and it has gone through a variety of changes. I’ve been putting off publishing it I guess because of perfectionism, but no one is perfect. Switched Seabed is the representation of letting go of any insecurities and just going for it!

Lil tidbit… While I was working on Switched Seabed, I’ve written a total of 8 different stories (the list keeps growing to be honest). Allll in the Fantasy genre which I’m gonna be honest I blame my love of Anime and Cartoon Network Gems. This being said, I’ve poured A LOT of love, energy and imagination into these projects. I know they’ll all go far! So put on your velcros and get ready to come along this journey with me.

Your source for all things Kandi❤️